Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ceremonial            
1. for.mal \'fo.r-m*l\ \-m*-le-\ aj 1a: belonging to or being the essential 
   constitution or structure {~)R cause} 1b: relating to, concerned with, or 
   constituting the outward form of somet hing as distinguished from its 
   content 2a: following or according with established form, custom, or rule : 
   C ONVENTIONAL 2b: done in due form : CEREMONIAL  3a: based on conventional 
   forms and rules  3b: characterized by punctilious respect for form : 
   METHODICAL  3c: rigidly ceremonious : PRIM  4: having the appearance 
   without substance : NOMINAL  - for.mal.ly av
2. formal n : something formal in character