Webster's English Dictionary

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ep.i.gram also ep.i.gram.mat.i.cal \'ep-*-.gram\ \.ep-i-gr*-'mat-ik\ 
   \-'mat-i-k*l\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ \.ep-*-'gram-*-.tiz-*m\ \-'gram-*t-*st\ n [ME 
   epigrame, fr. L epigrammat-, epigramma, fr. Gk, fr. ep]igraphein to write 
   on, inscribe, fr. epi- + graphein to write - more at CARVE 1: a short poem 
   dealing concisely, pointedly, and often satirically with a  single thought 
   or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought 2: a terse, 
   sage, or witty often paradoxical saying  3: epigrammatic expression  - 
   ep.i.gram.mat.i.c aj