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Cross references:
  1. wise                  
1. sage \'sa-j\ aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL sapius, fr. L sapere to 
   taste, have g]ood taste, be wise; akin to OE sefa mind, Oscan sipus knowing 
   1a: wise through reflection and experience  archaic  1b: GRAVE, SOLEMN  2: 
   proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment  {~ 
   counsel} - sage.ly av
2. sage n 1: one (as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom  2: a 
   mature or venerable man sound in judgment 
3. sage n [ME, fr. MF sauge, fr. L salvia, fr. salvus healthy; fr. its]use 
   as a medicinal herb - more at SAFE 1: a mint (Salvia officinalis) with 
   grayish green aromatic leaves use d esp. in flavoring meats; broadly : a 
   plant of this genus several of which (as the scarlet-flowered S. splendens) 
   are grown as ornamentals 2: SAGEBRUSH