1. \'sin-g*l\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L singulus one only; akin to L
sem- one - more a]t SAME 1a: UNMARRIED 1b: of or relating to celibacy 2:
LONE, SOLITARY 3a1: consisting of or having only one part, feature, or
portion {~ consonants} 3a2: consisting of one as opposed to or in contrast
with many : UNIFO RM {~ standard} 3a3: consisting of only one in number
{holds to a ~ ideal} 3b: having but one whorl of petals or ray flowers {a
~ rose} 4a: consisting of a separate unique whole : INDIVIDUAL {each @
citizen} 4b: of, relating to, or involving only one person 5a: FRANK,
HONEST {a ~ devotion} 5b: exclusively attentive {an eye ~ to the truth}
6: UNBROKEN, UNDIVIDED 7: man to man 8: having no equal or like :
SINGULAR 9: designed for the use of one person or family only {a ~ room}
LAR: SINGLE implies being unaccompanied by or unsupported by any other;
SOLE applies to the only one that exists, acts, or receives action; UNIQUE
applies to the only one of its kind or character in existence; SEPARATE
stresses discreteness and disconnection from every other one; SOLITARY
implies being both single and isolated; PARTICULAR implies numerical
distinctness from other instances, examples, or members of a class SYN syn
2. single n 1: a separate individual person or thing 2: ONE-BASE HIT pl
3a: a tennis match or similar game with one player on each side 3b: a golf
match between two players
3. single \'sin-g(*-)lin\ vb or sin.gling 1: to select or distinguish (a
person or thing) from a number or group 2a: to advance (a base runner in
baseball) by a one-base hit 2b: to bring about the scoring of (a run in
baseball) by a one-base hit : to make a one-base hit in baseball