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write \'ri-t\ \'ro-t\ \'rit-*n\ \'rit\ \'ri-t-in\ vb or wrote;  or 
   writ.ten;  also writ also writ.ing [ME writen, fr. OE wri-tan to scratch, 
   draw, inscribe; akin to O]HG ri-zan to tear, Gk rhine- file, rasp 1a1: to 
   draw or form by or as if by scoring or incising a surface  1a2: to trace (a 
   symbol or combination of symbols) by carving or scoring :: INSCRIBE 1b1: to 
   form or trace (a character or series of characters) on paper or ot her 
   suitable material {~ 7 instead of 9} 1b2: to form or record (a meaningful 
   sign) by a series of written characte rs {~ the word dog} 1b3: to spell in 
   writing  1c: to write characters upon {~ a check}  2a: to set down in 
   writing  2b: to draw up : DRAFT  2c1: to be the author of : COMPOSE  2c2: 
   to compose in musical form {~ a string quartet}  2d: to express by means of 
   words  2e: to communicate by letter {~s that he is coming}  2f: to use or 
   exhibit (a specific script, language, or literary form or st yle) in 
   writing {~ Braille ~s French with ease} 2g: to write contracts or orders 
   for; esp : UNDERWRITE  3: to make a permanent impression of  4: to 
   communicate with in writing  5: ORDAIN, FATE {so be it, it is written -D.C. 
   Peatt ie} 6: to make evident or obvious {guilt written on his face}  7: to 
   force, effect, introduce, or remove by writing  8: to take part in or bring 
   about (something worth recording)  1a: to make significant characters or 
   inscriptions; also : to perm it or be adapted to writing 1b: to form or 
   produce written letters, words, or sentences  2: to compose, communicate 
   by, or send a letter  3a: to produce a written work  3b: to compose music