Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. idea                  
1. thought  past of THINK 
2. thought \'tho.t\ n [ME, fr. OE tho-ht; akin to OE thencan to think - 
   more at T]HINK 1a: the action or process of thinking : COGITATION  1b: 
   serious consideration : REGARD  1c: RECOLLECTION  2a: reasoning power  2b: 
   the power to imagine : CONCEPTION  3: something that is thought : as  3a: 
   an individual act or product of thinking  3b: INTENTION, PLAN  3c: OPINION, 
   BELIEF  3d: the intellectual product or the organized views and principles 
   of a per iod, place, group, or individual 4: a slight amount : BIT