Webster's English Dictionary

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wit.ty \'wit-e-\ aj chiefly dial  1: CLEVER, INTELLIGENT  2: marked by or 
   full of wit : AMUSING  3: quick or ready to see or express illuminating or 
   amusing relationships  or insightsSE mean provoking or intended to provoke 
   laughter. WITTY suggests cleverness and quickness of mind and often a 
   caustic tongue; HUMOROUS applies broadly to anything that evokes usu. 
   genial laughter and may contrast with WITTY in suggesting whimsicality or 
   eccentricity; FACETIOUS stresses a desire to produce laughter and may be 
   derogatory in implying dubious or ill-timed attempts at wit or humor; 
   JOCULAR may suggest a studied avoidance of seriousness in speech or manner; 
   JOCOSE is somewhat less derogatory than FACETIOUS in suggesting habitual 
   waggishness or playfulness SYN syn WITTY, HUMOROUS, FACETIOUS, JOCULAR,