Webster's English Dictionary

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ex.e.crate \'ek-s*-.kra-t\ \-.kra-t-iv\ \-.kra-t-*r\ vt [L exsecratus, pp. 
   of exsecrari, fr. ex + sacr-, sac]er sacred archaic  1: to put under a 
   curse  2: to declare to be evil or detestable : DENOUNCE  3: to detest 
   utterly denounce violently. EXECRATE implies intense loathing and usu. 
   passionate fury; CURSE and DAMN imply angry denunciation by blasphemous 
   oaths or profane imprecations; ANATHEMATIZE implies solemn denunciation of 
   an evil or an injustice - ex.e.cra.tive aj SYN syn EXECRATE, CURSE, DAMN,