Webster's English Dictionary

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1. under \'*n-d*r\ av [ME, adv. & prep., fr. OE; akin to OHG untar under, L 
   inferus situa]ted beneath, lower, infra below, Skt adha 1: in or into a 
   position below or beneath something  2: below some quantity or limit  3: in 
   or into a condition of subjection, subordination, or unconsciousness  4: so 
   as to be covered or hidden 
2. under \.*n-d*r, '*n-\ pp 1: below and in such a position as to be 
   overhung, surmounted, covered, pr otected, or concealed by {~ sunny skies} 
   {swims ~ water} {~ separate cover} 2a1: subject to the authority, guidance, 
   or instruction of {served ~)R the general} 2a2: attested or warranted by 
   {issued ~ the royal seal}  2b: controlled, limited, weighed upon, or 
   oppressed by {~ quaranti ne} {collapsed ~ the strain} 2c: receiving or 
   undergoing the action or effect of {~ ether}  3a: within the group or 
   designation of {~ this heading}  3b: bearing or assuming outwardly esp. for 
   the sake of concealment {~  a false name} 4a: inferior or subordinate to 
   (as in size, amount, or rank) {all weight s ~ 12 ounces} {speak to nobody ~ 
   a colonel} 4b: inferior to the standard or required degree of {~ legal age} 
3. under \'*n-d*r\ aj 1a: lying or placed below, beneath, or on the ventral 
   side {~ part s} - often used in combination {gnawed his underlip} 1b: 
   facing or protruding downward  2: lower in rank or authority : SUBORDINATE  
   3: lower than usual, proper, or desired in amount, quality, or degree {(R@ 
   dose of medicine}