Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pro.fane \pro--'fa-n, pr*-\ vt 1: to treat (something sacred) with 
   abuse, irreverence, or contempt : MDESECRATE, VIOLATE 2: to debase by a 
   wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use  - pro.fan.er n
2. profane \-'fa-n-n*s\ aj [ME prophane, fr. MF, fr. L profanus, fr. pro- 
   before + fa]num temple - more at PRO-, FEAST 1: not concerned with religion 
   or religious purposes : SECULAR  2: not holy because unconsecrated, impure, 
   or defiled : UNSANCTIFIED)M 3: serving to debase or defile what is holy : 
   IRREVERENT  4a: not among the initiated  4b: not possessing esoteric or 
   expert knowledge  - pro.fane.ly av