Cross references:
1. set
1. put \'pu.t\ vb or put; or put.ting [ME putten; akin to OE putung
instigation, MD poten to plant] 1a: to place in a specified position or
relationship : LAY 1b: to move in a specified direction 1c1: to send (as
a weapon or missile) into or through something : THR UST 1c2: to throw with
an overhand pushing motion {~ the shot} 1d: to bring into a specified
state or condition {~ it to use} <(~ the matter right} 2a: to cause to
endure something : SUBJECT {~ him to death } 2b: IMPOSE, INFLICT {~ a
special tax on luxuries} 3a: to set before one for judgment or decision {~
the question} 3b: to call for a formal vote on {~ the motion} 4a1: to
turn into language or literary form {~ his feelings in wor ds} 4a2: to
translate into another language {~ the poem into English> 4a3: ADAPT
{lyrics ~ to music} 4b: EXPRESS, STATE {putting it mildly} 5a: to devote
(oneself) to an activity or end 5b: APPLY {~ his mind to the problem} 5c:
ASSIGN {~ them to work} 5d: to cause to perform an action : URGE {~ the
horse over the fence} 5e: IMPEL, INCITE {~ them into a frenzy} 6a:
REPOSE, REST {~s his faith in reason} 6c: INVEST {~ his money in the
company} 7a: to give as an estimate {~ the time as about eleven} 7b:
ATTACH, ATTRIBUTE {~s a high value on his fr iendship} 7c: IMPUTE {~ the
blame on his partner} 8: BET, WAGER {~ two dollars on the favorite} 1: to
start in motion : GO; esp : to leave in a hurry of a ship 2: to take a
specified course {~ down the river} 1a: ASSERT, : IMPOSE 1b: to make
public : ISSUE 2: to bring into action : EXERT 3: to produce or send out
by growth {put forth leaves} 4: to start out : PURPOSE {put forward a
theory} : REMIND Brit : to finish off : wipe out slang 1: to ask for
money 2: to hold up : HIJACK : to make the final preparations for
printing (a newspaper or magazine) 1: to create as a unified whole :
CONSTRUCT {put a book Xtogether in his spare time} 2: ADD, COMBINE {thought
he knew more than all his teachers put together} : to give difficulty to :
press hard {had been put to it to kee p up with him} - put forth
2. put n 1: a throw made with an overhand pushing motion; specif : the act
o r an instance of putting the shot 2: an option to sell a specified amount
of stock or commodity at a fixed pr ice at or within a certain time
3. put aj : being in place : FIXED, SET {stay ~ until I come for you}