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in.jus.tice \(')in-'j*s-t*s\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L injustitia, fr. injustus 
   unjust, fr. in- +] justus just 1: absence of justice : violation of right 
   or of the rights of another :: UNFAIRNESS 2: an unjust act or deed eneral 
   term applying to any act that involves unfairness to another or violation 
   of his rights; INJURY applies in law specifically to an injustice for which 
   one may sue to recover compensation; WRONG applies also in law to any act 
   punishable according to the criminal code; it may apply more generally to 
   any flagrant injustice; GRIEVANCE applies to any circumstance or condition 
   that constitutes an injustice to the sufferer and gives him just ground for 
   complaint SYN syn INJURY, WRONG, GRIEVANCE: INJUSTICE is the g