Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flag.el.late \'flaj-*-.la-t\ vt [L flagellatus, pp. of flagellare, fr. 
   flagellum, dim. of ]flagrum whip; akin to ON blaka to wave 1: WHIP  2: to 
   drive or punish as if by whipping 
2. fla.gel.late \'flaj-*-l*t, -.la-t; fl*-'jel-*t\ \'flaj-*-.la-t-*d\ aj or 
   flag.el.lat.ed [NL flagellatus, fr. flagellum] [3flagellate] 1a: having 
   flagella  1b: shaped like a flagellum  2: of, relating to, or caused by 
3. flagellate \like 2\ n [NL Flagellata, class of unicellular organisms, 
   fr. neut. pl. of flage]llatus : a flagellate protozoan or alga