Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. dead                  
1. late \'la-t\ aj [ME, late, slow, fr. OE lt; akin to OHG laz slow, 
   OE l(Qa-e>-tan to let 1a1: coming or remaining after the due, usual, or 
   proper time {~ s pring} 1a2: of, relating to, or imposed because of 
   tardiness  1b: of or relating to an advanced stage in point of time or 
   development (~ Middle Ages}; specif : far advanced toward the close of the 
   day or night {~ hours} 2a: living comparatively recently  2b: being 
   something or holding some position or relationship recently but  not now {~ 
   belligerents} 2c: made, appearing, or happening just previous to the 
   present time {@ quarrel} - late.ly av
2. late av 1a: after the usual or proper time  1b: at or to an advanced 
   point in time  2: not long ago : RECENTLY  : LATELY, RECENTLY  - of late