pun.ish \'p*n-ish\ \.p*n-ish-*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'p*n-ish-*-b*l\ vb [ME
punisshen, fr. MF puniss-, stem of punir, fr. L punire], fr. poena penalty
- more at PAIN 1a: to impose a penalty on for a fault, offense, or
violation 1b: to inflict a penalty for the commission of (an offense) in
retribution or retaliation 2a: to deal with roughly or harshly 2b: to
inflict injury upon : HURT : to inflict punishment MCORRECT: PUNISH
implies subjecting to a penalty for wrongdoing; CHASTISE implies corporal
punishment; CASTIGATE implies a lashing with words; CHASTEN suggests any
affliction or trial that leaves one humbled or subdued; DISCIPLINE implies
a punishing or chastening in order to bring under control; CORRECT implies
punishing aimed at reforming an offender - pun.ish.abil.i.ty n SYN syn