Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. dark                  
1. dim \'dim\ aj or dim.mer;  or dim.mest [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG timber 
   dark, Skt dhamati he blows] 1a: emitting a limited or insufficient amount 
   of light  1b: DULL, LUSTERLESS  1c: lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or 
   vigorous quality or character  2a: seen indistinctly or without clear 
   outlines or details  2b: perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or 
   weakly  2c: having little prospect of favorable result or outcome {a ~ fut 
   ure} 2d: characterized by an unfavorable, skeptical, or pessimistic 
   attitude m usu. used in the phrase take a dim view of 3: not perceiving 
   clearly and distinctly  - dim.ly av
2. dim vb or dimmed;  or dim.ming 1: to make dim or lusterless  2: to 
   reduce the light from (headlights) by switching to the low beam  : to 
   become dim 
3. dim n archaic  1: DIMNESS, DUSK  2a: a small light on an automobile for 
   use in parking  2b: LOW BEAM