Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gracious              
1. ge.nial \'je--ny*l, -ne--*l\ \.je--ne--'al-*t-e-, je-n-'yal-\ 
   \'je--ny*-le-, -ne--*-le-\ aj [L genialis, fr. genius] obs  1: of or 
   relating to marriage or generation  2a: favorable to growth or comfort : 
   MILD {~ sunshine}  2b: marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness : 
   KINDLY  obs  3: NATIVE, INBORN  4: displaying or marked by genius  - 
   ge.nial.i.ty n
2. ge.ni.al \ji-'ni-(-*)l\ aj [Gk geneion chin, fr. genys jaw - more at 
   CHIN] : of or relating to the chin