Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. attraction             2. pity                  
sym.pa.thy \'sim-p*-the-\ n [L sympathia, fr. Gk sympatheia, fr. sympathe-s 
   having com]mon feelings,, sympathetic, fr. syn- + pathos feelings, emotion, 
   experience - more at PATHOS 1a: an affinity, association, or relationship 
   between persons or things whe rein whatever affects one similarly affects 
   the other 1b: mutual or parallel susceptibility or a condition brought 
   about by it  1c: unity or harmony in action or effect  2a: inclination to 
   think or feel alike : emotional or intellectual accord  2b: feeling of 
   loyalty : tendency to favor or support {republican sy mpathies} 3a: the act 
   or capacity of entering into or sharing the feelings or interes ts of 
   another 3b: the feeling or mental state brought about by such sensitivity 
   {have (R@ for the poor} {seek ~ from a friend} 4: the correlation existing 
   between bodies capable of communicating their v ibrational energy to one 
   another through some medium