Webster's English Dictionary

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gra.cious \'gra--sh*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF gracieus, fr. L gratiosus enjoying 
   favor, agreeable, fr]. gratia obs  1a: GODLY  1b: archaic : PLEASING, 
   ACCEPTABLE  2a: marked by kindness and courtesy  2b: GRACEFUL  2c: marked 
   by tact and delicacy : URBANE  2d: characterized by charm, good taste, and 
   generosity of spirit  3: MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE - used conventionally of 
   royalty  and high nobilityOUS implies courtesy and kindliness and often a 
   degree of condescension toward strangers and social inferiors; CORDIAL 
   suggests warmth and heartiness; AFFABLE implies easy approachability and 
   readiness to respond pleasantly to conversation or requests or proposals; 
   GENIAL implies qualities such as warm sympathy or a sense of humor that 
   makes for good cheer {a genial host}; SOCIABLE suggests a genuine liking 
   for or even a need for frequent companionship - gra.cious.ly av SYN syn