Webster's English Dictionary

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1. na.tive \'na-t-iv\ aj [ME natif, fr. MF, fr. L nativus, fr. natus, pp. 
   of nasci)X to be born - more at NATION 1: INBORN, INNATE  2: belonging to a 
   particular place by birth  archaic  3: closely related  4: belonging to or 
   associated with one by birth  5: NATURAL, NORMAL  6a: grown, produced, or 
   originating in a particular place or in the vicini ty : LOCAL 6b: 
   INDIGENOUS  7: SIMPLE, UNAFFECTED  8a: constituting the original substance 
   or source  8b: found in nature esp. in an unadulterated form  chiefly 
   Austral  9: having a usu. superficial resemblance to a specified English 
   plant or a nimal belonging to a locality. NATIVE implies birth or origin in 
   a place or region and may suggest compatibility with it; INDIGENOUS applies 
   to species or races and adds to NATIVE the implication of not having been 
   introduced from elsewhere; ENDEMIC implies being peculiar to a region; 
   ABORIGINAL implies having no known race preceding in occupancy of the 
   region - na.tive.ly av SYN syn NATIVE, INDIGENOUS, ENDEMIC, ABORIGINAL mean 
2. native n 1: one born or reared in a particular place  2a: an original or 
   indigenous inhabitant  2b: something indigenous to a particular locality  
   3: a local resident; esp : a person who has lived all his life in a  place 
   as distinguished from a visitor or a temporary resident