Webster's English Dictionary

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1. jaw \'jo.\ n [ME] 1a: either of two complex cartilaginous or bony 
   structures in most vertebra tes that border the mouth, support the soft 
   parts enclosing it, usu. bear teeth on their oral margin, and are an upper 
   more or less firmly fused with the skull and a lower hinged, movable, and 
   articulated with the temporal bone of either side 1b: the parts 
   constituting the walls of the mouth and serving to open and c lose it - 
   usu. used in pl. 1c: any of various organs of invertebrates that perform 
   the function of the  vertebrate jaws 2: something resembling the jaw of an 
   animal : as  2a: one of the sides of a narrow pass or channel  2b: either 
   of two or more movable opposing parts that open and close for ho lding or 
   crushing something between them pl  3: a threatening position or situation  
   slang  4a: impudent or offensive talk  4b: a friendly chat 
2. jaw vt slang  : to talk to in a scolding or boring manner to talk 
   abusively, indignantl y, or longwindedly