Webster's English Dictionary

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1. glo.ry \'glo-r-e-, 'glo.r-\ n [ME glorie, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L gloria] 
   1a: praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent : RENOWN)M 1b: 
   worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving  2a: something that secures 
   praise or renown  2b: a highly commendable asset  3a1: RESPLENDENCE, 
   MAGNIFICENCE  3a2: something marked by beauty or resplendence  3b: the 
   splendor and beatific happiness of heaven  4: a height of prosperity or 
   achievement  5: a ring or spot of light : as  5a: AUREOLE  5b: CORONA 2b 
2. glory vi : to rejoice proudly : EXULT