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height \'hi-t, 'hi-tth\ n [ME heighthe, fr. OE hi-ehthu; akin to OHG 
   ho-hida heig]ht, OE he-ah high 1a: the highest part : SUMMIT  1b: the 
   highest or most advanced point : ZENITH  2a: the distance from the bottom 
   to the top of something standing upright  2b: the extent of elevation above 
   a level : ALTITUDE  3: the condition of being tall or high  4a: an extent 
   of land rising to a considerable degree above the surrounding  country 4b: 
   a high point or position  obs  5: an advanced social rank  6: degree of 
   geographical latitude used of any vertical distance great or small; STATURE 
   applies only to animal bodies, esp. to the mature human body; ELEVATION and 
   ALTITUDE imply height practicably determined only by angular measurement or 
   atmospheric pressure SYN syn STATURE, ELEVATION, ALTITUDE: HEIGHT may be