Webster's English Dictionary

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co.ro.na \k*-'ro--n*\ n [L, garland, crown, cornice - more at CROWN] [fr. 
   La Corona, a trademark] 1: the projecting part of a classic cornice  2a: a 
   usu. colored circle often seen around and close to a luminous body (a s the 
   sun or moon) caused by diffraction produced by suspended droplets or occas. 
   particles of dust 2b: the tenuous outermost part of the atmosphere of the 
   sun appearing as a  gray halo around the moon's black disk during a total 
   eclipse of the sun 2c: the upper portion of a body part (as a tooth or the 
   skull)  2d: an appendage on the inner side of the corolla in some flowers 
   (as the d affodil, jonquil, or milkweed) 2e: a faint glow adjacent to the 
   surface of an electrical conductor at high  voltage 3: a long straight 
   cigar roundly blunt at the sealed end