Webster's English Dictionary

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gut.tur.al \'g*t-*-r*l, 'g*-tr*l\ \'g*t-*-r*-.liz-*m, 'g*-tr*-\ 
   \.g*t-*-'ral-*t-e-\ \'g*t-*-r*-le-, 'g*-tr*-le-\ aj [MF, prob. fr. ML 
   gutturalis, fr. L guttur throat - more at CO]T 1: of or relating to the 
   throat  2a: articulated in the throat {~ sounds}  2b: being or marked by 
   utterance that is strange, unpleasant, or disagreea ble 2c: VELAR, PALATAL  
   - guttural n