Webster's English Dictionary

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strange \'stra-nj\ aj [ME, fr. OF estrange, fr. L extraneus, lit., 
   external, fr. extra] outside - more at EXTRA- archaic  1a: of, relating to, 
   or characteristic of another country : FOREIGNM, ALIEN 1b: not native to or 
   naturally belonging in a place : of external origin , kind, or character 
   2a: not before known, heard, or seen : NEW, UNFAMILIAR  2b: exciting wonder 
   or awe : strikingly uncommon or unnatural : EXT RAORDINARY, QUEER 3: 
   discouraging familiarities : RESERVED, DISTANT  4: UNACCUSTOMED, UNVERSED 
   RATIC, ODD, QUEER, QUAINT, OUTLANDISH: STRANGE stresses unfamiliarity and 
   may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unaccountable; SINGULAR 
   suggests individuality or puzzling strangeness; UNIQUE implies singularity 
   and the fact of being without a known parallel; PECULIAR implies a marked 
   distinctiveness; ECCENTRIC suggests a wide divergence from the usual or 
   normal esp. in behavior; ERRATIC stresses a capricious and unpredictable 
   wandering or deviating; ODD applies to a departure from the regular or 
   expected; QUEER suggests a dubious sometimes sinister oddness; QUAINT 
   suggests an old-fashioned but pleasant oddness; OUTLANDISH applies to what 
   is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric - strange.ly av SYN syn SINGULAR, UNIQUE,