Webster's English Dictionary

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1. throat \'thro-t\ \-*d\ n [ME throte, fr. OE; akin to OHG drozza throat] 
   1a1: the part of the neck in front of the spinal column  1a2: the passage 
   through it to the stomach and lungs  1b1: VOICE  1b2: the seat of the voice 
    2: something resembling the throat esp. in being an entrance, a 
   passageway,  a constriction, or a narrowed part : as 2a: the orifice of a 
   tubular organ esp. of a plant  2b: the opening in the vamp of a shoe at the 
   instep  2c: the part of a tennis racket between the head and the handle  - 
   throat.ed aj
2. throat vt 1: to utter in the throat : MUTTER  2: to sing or enunciate in 
   a throaty voice