Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fortitude             
1. gut \'g*t\ n [ME, fr. OE guttas, pl.; akin to OE ge-otan to pour] 1a: 
   BOWELS, ENTRAILS - usu. used in pl.  1b: the alimentary canal or part of it 
   (as the intestine or stomach)  1c: BELLY, ABDOMEN  pl  2: the inner 
   essential parts  3: a narrow passage (as a strait)  4: the sac of silk 
   taken from a silkworm ready to spin its cocoon and drawn  out into a thread 
   for use as a snell pl  5: COURAGE 
2. gut vt or gut.ted;  or gut.ting 1: EVISCERATE  2: to destroy the inside 
   of {fire gutted the building}