Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.ward \'in-w*rd\ aj [ME, fr. OE inweard; akin to OHG inwert inward; 
   both fr. a prehisto]ric WGmc compound whose constituents are represented by 
   OE in & OE -weard -ward 1: situated on the inside : INNER  2a: MENTAL  2b: 
   SPIRITUAL  3: marked by close acquaintance : FAMILIAR  4: directed toward 
   the interior 
2. inward or in.wards \-w*rdz\ av 1: toward the inside, center, or interior 
   {slope ~}  2: toward the inner being 
3. inward \'in-*rdz -w*rdz\ n or in.wards 1: something that is inward  pl