Webster's English Dictionary

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1. men.tal \'ment-*l\ \-*l-e-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, LL mentalis, fr. L ment-, 
   mens mind - more at]MIND 1a: of or relating to mind; specif : relating to 
   the total emotion al and intellectual response of an individual to 
   environment 1b: of or relating to intellectual as contrasted with emotional 
   activity  1c: of, relating to, or being intellectual as contrasted with 
   overt physic al activity 1d: occurring or experienced in the mind : INNER  
   1e: relating to mind, its activity, or its products as an object of study  
   : IDEOLOGICAL 1f: relating to spirit or idea as opposed to matter  2a: of, 
   relating to, or affected by a psychiatric disorder {a ~ pa tient} 2b: 
   intended for the care or treatment of persons affected by psychiatric  
   disorders 3: relating to telepathic, mind-reading, or other occult powers  
   - men.tal.ly av
2. mental aj [L mentum chin; akin to L mont-, mons mountain - more at 
   MMOUNT : of or relating to the chin : GENIAL