Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. common                
1. fa.mil.iar \f*-'mil-y*r\ n 1: an intimate associate : COMPANION  2: a 
   member of the household of a high official  3: a spirit often embodied in 
   an animal and held to attend and serve or gua rd a person 4: one who 
   frequents a place 
2. familiar aj [ME familier, fr. OF, fr. L familiaris, fr. familia] 1: 
   closely acquainted : INTIMATE  obs  2: AFFABLE, SOCIABLE  3a: of or 
   relating to a family  3b: frequented by families  4a: being free and easy  
   4b: marked by informality {~ essay}  4c: overly free and unrestrained : 
   PRESUMPTUOUS  4d: moderately tame  5a: frequently seen or experienced  5b: 
   of everyday occurrence ce of reserve or constraint natural among members of 
   a family or acquaintances of long standing; INTIMATE stresses the closeness 
   and intensity rather than the mere frequency of personal association and 
   suggests either deep mutual understanding or the sharing of deeply personal 
   thoughts and feeling SYN syn INTIMATE: FAMILIAR suggests the ease, 
   informality, absen