Webster's English Dictionary

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1. com.pound \ka:m-'pau.nd, k*m-', 'ka:m-.\ \-*-b*l\ vb [ME compounen, fr. 
   MF compondre, fr. L componere, fr. com-] + ponere to put - more at POSITION 
   1: to put together (parts) to form a whole : COMBINE  2: to form by 
   combining parts  3: to settle amicably : COMPROMISE  4a: to increase by 
   geometric progression or by an increment that itself in creases 4b: to add 
   to  5: to agree for a consideration not to prosecute (an offense)  1: to 
   become joined in a compound  2: to come to terms of agreement  - 
   com.pound.able aj
2. com.pound \'ka:m-.pau.nd, ka:m-', k*m-'\ aj [ME compouned, pp. of 
   compounen] 1: composed of or resulting from union of separate elements, 
   ingredients,  or parts; specif : composed of united similar elements esp. 
   of a kind usu. independent 2: involving or used in a combination  of a word 
    3a: constituting a compound  of a sentence  3b: having two or more main 
3. com.pound \'ka:m-.pau.nd\ n 1a: a word consisting of components that are 
   words (as rowboat, hi gh school, devil-may-care) 1b: a word consisting of 
   any of various combinations of words, combining fo rms, or affixes (as 
   anthropology, kilocycle, builder) 2: something formed by a union of 
   elements or parts; specif : a dis tinct substance formed by chemical union 
   of two or more ingredients in definite proportion by weight
4. com.pound \'ka:m-.pau.nd\ n [by folk etymology fr. Malay kampong group 
   of buildings, village] 1: an enclosure of European residences and 
   commercial buildings esp. in the  Orient 2: a large fenced or walled-in 