Webster's English Dictionary

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1. to.ward \'to-(-*)rd, 'to.(-*)rd\ \'to-(-*)rdz, 'to.(-*)rdz\ aj also 
   to.wards [ME toward, fr. OE to-weard facing, imminent, fr. to-,] [ME 
   towardes, fr. OE to-weardes, prep., toward, fr. to-wea]prep., to + -weard 
   -wardrd, adj. 1a: coming soon : IMMINENT  1b: happening at the moment : 
   AFOOT  obs  2a: quick to learn : APT  2b: FAVORING, PROPITIOUS {a ~ breeze} 
2. to.ward or to.wards \(')to-(-*)rd(z), (')to.(-*)rd(z), t*-'wo.rd(z), 
   (')two.rd(z), (')t\ ppwo-rd(z) 1: in the direction of {driving ~ town}  2a: 
   along a course leading to {a long stride ~ disarmament}  2b: in relation to 
   {an attitude ~ life}  3a: at a point in the direction of : NEAR {a cottage 
   somewhere u p ~ the lake} 3b: in such a position as to face {his back was ~ 
   me}  4: not long before {~ the end of the afternoon}  5a: in the way of 
   help or assistance in {did all he could ~ raisin g campaign funds} 5b: for 
   the partial payment of {proceeds go ~ the establishment of  a scholarship}