Webster's English Dictionary

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max.il.la also max.il.lar \mak-'sil-*\ \-'sil-(.)e-, -.i-\ 
   \'mak-s*-.ler-e-, chiefly Brit mak-'sil-*-re-\ \'mak-s*-l*r, mak-'sil-*r\ n 
   or max.il.lae or maxillas [L, dim. of mala jaw] pl  1a: JAW  1b1: an upper 
   jaw esp. of man or other mammals in which the bony elements a re closely 
   fused 1b2: either of two membrane bone elements of the upper jaw lying 
   lateral to  the premaxillae and in higher vertebrates and man bearing most 
   of the teeth 2: one of the first or second pair of mouthparts posterior to 
   the mandibles  in insects, myriopods, crustaceans, and closely related 
   arthropods - max.il.lary aj