Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ei.ther \'e--th*r also 'i--\ aj [ME, fr. OE -ghwther both, 
   each, fr. a- alw]ays + ge-, collective prefix + hwther which of two, 
   whether 1: the one and the other of two : EACH {flowers blooming on ~  side 
   of the walk} 2: the one or the other of two {take ~ road} 
2. either pn : the one or the other 
3. either cj : - used as a function word before two or more coordinate 
   words, phrase s, or clauses joined usu. by or to indicate that what 
   immediately follows is the first of two or more alternatives
4. either av 1: LIKEWISE, MOREOVER - used for emphasis after a negative 
   <(not wise or handsome ~} 2: for that matter - used for emphasis after an 
   alternative following a  question or conditional clause esp. where negation 
   is implied {who answers for the Irish parliament? or army ~? -Robert 