Webster's English Dictionary

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1. nur.ture \'n*r-ch*r\ n [ME, fr. MF norriture, fr. LL nutritura act of 
   nursing, fr. L nu]tritus, pp. of nutrire to suckle, nourish - more at 
   NOURISH 1: TRAINING, UPBRINGING  2: something that nourishes : FOOD  3: the 
   sum of the influences modifying the expression of the genetic potent 
   ialities of an organism
2. nurture \'n*rch-(*-)rin\ \'n*r-ch*r-*r\ vt or nur.tur.ing 1: to supply 
   with nourishment  2: EDUCATE  3: to further the development of : FOSTER  - 
   nur.tur.er n