Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sum \'s*m\ n [ME summe, fr. OF, fr. L summa, fr. fem. of summus highest; 
   a]kin to L super over - more at OVER 1: an indefinite or specified amount 
   of money  2: the whole amount : AGGREGATE  3: the utmost degree : HEIGHT  
   4a: EPITOME, SUMMARY  4b: GIST  5a1: the result of adding numbers {~ of 5 
   and 7 is 12}  5a2: the limit of the sum of the first n terms of an infinite 
   series  as n increases indefinitely 5b: numbers to be added; broadly : a 
   problem in arithmetic  5c1: DISJUNCTION  5c2: the set of all elements 
   belonging to one or both of two sets M, QUANTITY: SUM indicates the result 
   of simple addition of numbers or of particulars; AMOUNT implies the result 
   of cumulative or combinative processes; AGGREGATE stresses the notion of 
   distinct individuals being grouped together; TOTAL and WHOLE stress the 
   completeness or inclusiveness of a putting together; NUMBER applies to an 
   aggregate of countable units; QUANTITY applies to things measurable in bulk 
2. sum vt or summed;  or sum.ming 1: to calculate the sum of : COUNT  2: 
   SUMMARIZE - usu. used with up  : to reach a sum : AMOUNT