Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sup.ply \s*-'pli-\ vb [ME supplien, fr. MF soupleier, fr. L supple-re to 
   fill up], supplement, supply, fr. sub- up + ple-re to fill - more at SUB-, 
   FULL 1: to add as a supplement  2a: to provide for : SATISFY  2b: to 
   provide or furnish with : AFFORD  2c: to satisfy the needs or wishes of  
   3a: to substitute for another in; specif : to serve as a supply in  (a 
   church or pulpit) 3b: to serve instead of : REPLACE  : to serve as a supply 
2. supply n obs  1: ASSISTANCE, SUCCOR  obs  2a: REINFORCEMENTS - often 
   used in pl.  2b: a clergyman filling a vacant pulpit temporarily  2c: 
   PROVISIONS, STORES  3: the act or process of filling a want or need : 
   PROVISION  4: the quantities of goods or services offered for sale at a 
   particular tim e or at one price 5: something that maintains or constitutes 
   a supply