Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. cross                 
1. po.tent \'po-t-*nt\ aj [obs. E potent crutch] of a heraldic cross  : 
   having flat bars across the ends of the arms 
2. potent aj [ME (Sc), fr. L potent-, potens, fr. prp. of (assumed) L 
   pote]-re to be powerful, fr. L potis, pote able; akin to Goth bru-thfaths 
   bridegroom, Gk posis husband, Skt pati master 1: having or wielding force, 
   authority, or influence : POWERFUL  2: producing an effect : PREGNANT  3a: 
   chemically or medicinally effective {a ~ vaccine}  3b: rich in a 
   characteristic constituent : STRONG {~ tea> 4: able to copulate - usu. used 
   of the male  - potently av