Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. smell                 
odor or odour \'o-d-*r\ \'o-d-*rd\ n [ME odour, fr. OF, fr. L odor; akin to 
   L ole-re to smell,] chiefly Brit Gk ozein to smell, osme- smell, odor 1a: a 
   quality of something that stimulates the olfactory organ : SCENT  1b: a 
   sensation resulting from adequate stimulation of the olfactory organ  : 
   SMELL 2a: a predominant quality : FLAVOR {~ of sanctity}  2b: REPUTE, 
   ESTIMATION {in bad ~}  archaic  3: something that emits a sweet or pleasing 
   scent : PERFUME  - odored aj