Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fragrance             
1. per.fume \'p*r-.fyu:m, (.)p*r-'\ n [MF perfum, prob. fr. OProv, fr. 
   perfumar to perfume, fr. per-X thoroughly (fr. L) + fumar to smoke, fr. L 
   fumare - more at FUME 1: the scent of something sweet-smelling  2: a 
   substance that emits a pleasant odor; esp : a fluid preparatio n of floral 
   essences or synthetics and a fixative used for scenting
2. per.fume \(.)p*r-'fyu:m, 'p*r-.\ vt : to fill or impregnate with an odor 
   : SCENT