Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fragrance              2. smell                 
1. scent \'sent\ vb [ME senten, fr. MF sentir to feel, smell, fr. L sentire 
   to pe]rceive, feel - more at SENSE 1a: to perceive by the olfactory organs 
   : SMELL  1b: to get or have an inkling of {~ trouble}  2: to imbue or fill 
   with odor  1: to yield an odor of some specified kind {this ~s of sulfu r}; 
   also : to bear indication or suggestions {the very air ~s of treachery} 2: 
   to use the nose in seeking or tracking prey 
2. scent n 1: effluvia from a substance that affect the sense of smell : as 
    1a: an odor left by an animal on a surface passed over; also : a co urse 
   of pursuit or discovery {throw one off the ~} 1b: a characteristic or 
   particular odor; esp : one that is agreeabl e 2a: power of smelling : sense 
   of smell {a keen ~}  2b: power of detection {a ~ for heresy} : NOSE  3: 
   INKLING, INTIMATION {a ~ of trouble}  4: PERFUME  5: bits of paper dropped 
   in the game of hare and hounds  6: a mixture prepared for use as a lure for 
   an animal or fish