pac.i.fy \'pas-*\ vt [ME pacifien, fr. L pacificare, fr. pac-, pax
peace] 1a: to allay anger or agitation in 1b: APPEASE, PROPITIATE 2a: to
restore to a tranquil state : SETTLE 2b: to reduce to a submissive state :
SUBDUE NCILIATE: PACIFY suggests a soothing or calming of anger or
agitation or the forceful quelling of insurrection; APPEASE implies
quieting insistent demands by making concessions; PLACATE suggests changing
resentment or bitterness to goodwill; MOLLIFY implies soothing hurt
feelings or rising anger; PROPITIATE implies averting anger or malevolence
esp. of a superior being; CONCILIATE suggests ending an estrangement by
persuasion, concession, or settling of differences SYN syn APPEASE,