Webster's English Dictionary

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1. an.ger \'an-g*r\ n [ME, affliction, anger, fr. ON angr grief; akin to OE 
   enge narrow,]L angere to strangle, Gk anchein : a strong feeling of 
   displeasure and usu. of antagonismMANGER is the general term for the 
   emotional reaction of extreme displeasure and suggests neither a definite 
   degree of intensity nor a necessarily outward manifestation; IRE is now 
   chiefly literary and suggests great intensity and its exhibition in acts or 
   words; RAGE implies loss of self-control from violence of emotion; FURY 
   suggest even more violence and connotes a degree of temporary madness; 
   INDIGNATION stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean, or 
   shameful; WRATH may imply either rage or indignation but suggests strongly 
   a desire or intent to avenge or punish SYN syn IRE, RAGE, FURY, 
2. anger \-g(*-)rin\ vb or an.ger.ing : to make angry  : to become angry