Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. pacify                
con.cil.i.ate \k*n-'sil-e--.a-t\ \-.sil-e--'a--sh*n\ \-'sil-e--.a-t-iv\ 
   \-'sil-e--.a-t-*r\ \-'sil-y*-.to-r-e-, -'sil-e--*-, -.to.r-\ vt [L 
   conciliatus, pp. of conciliare to assemble, unite, win over, fr.] concilium 
   assembly, council - more at COUNCIL 1: to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing 
   acts  2: to make compatible : RECONCILE  3: to gain the goodwill or favor 
   of  - con.cil.i.a.tion n