Webster's English Dictionary

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1. peace \'pe-s\ n [ME pees, fr. OF pais, fr. L pac-, pax; akin to L pa] 
   often attrib cisci to agree - more at PACT 1: a state of tranquillity or 
   quiet : as  1a: freedom from civil disturbance  1b: a state of security or 
   order within a community provided for by law or  custom {a breach of the ~} 
   2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions  3: harmony 
   in personal relations  4a: a state or period of mutual concord between 
   governments  4b: a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who 
   have been at w ar or in a state of enmity
2. peace vi : to be, become, or keep silent or quiet - often used 