Webster's English Dictionary

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1. su.pe.ri.or \su.-'pir-e--*r\ aj [ME, fr. MF superieur, fr. L superior, 
   compar. of superus upp]er, fr. super over, above - more at OVER 1: situated 
   higher up : UPPER  2: of higher rank, quality, or importance  3: 
   courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful, disheart 
   ening, or demoralizing) 4a: greater in quantity or numbers  4b: excellent 
   of its kind : BETTER  5: SUPERSCRIPT  of an animal structure  6a: situated 
   above or anterior or dorsal to another and esp. a correspondi ng part {a ~ 
   artery} of a plant structure  6b: situated above or near the top of another 
   part : as  of a calyx  6b1: attached to and apparently arising from the 
   ovary  of an ovary  6b2: free from the calyx or other floral envelope  7: 
   more comprehensive {a genus is ~ to a species}  8: affecting or assuming an 
   air of superiority : SUPERCILIOUS 
2. superior n 1: one who is above another in rank, station, or office; esp 
   : the  head of a religious house or order 2: one that surpasses another in 
   quality or merit