Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. injure                
1. hurt \'h*rt\ vb or hurt;  or hurt or hurt.ing [ME hurten] 1a: to inflict 
   with physical pain : WOUND  1b: to do substantial or material harm to : 
   DAMAGE  2a: to cause pain or anguish to : OFFEND  2b: to be detrimental to 
   : HAMPER  1a: to feel pain : SUFFER  chiefly Midland  1b: to be in need : 
   WANT  2: to cause damage or distress {hit where it ~s}  - hurt.er n
2. hurt n 1: a wounding blow : cause of injury or damage  2a: a bodily 
   injury or wound  2b: mental distress or anguish : SUFFERING  3: WRONG, HARM