Webster's English Dictionary

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pro.fuse \pr*-'fyu:s, pro--\ aj [ME, fr. L profusus, pp. of profundere to 
   pour forth, fr. pro-X forth + fundere to pour - more at FOUND 1: pouring 
   forth liberally : EXTRAVAGANT {~ in their thank s} 2: exhibiting great 
   abundance : BOUNTIFUL ANT: PROFUSE implies pouring forth without restraint; 
   LAVISH suggests an unstinted or unmeasured profusion; PRODIGAL implies 
   reckless lavishness threatening to lead to early exhaustion of resources; 
   LUXURIANT suggests a rich and splendid abundance; LUSH suggests rich, soft 
   luxuriance; EXUBERANT implies marked vitality or vigor in what produces 
   abundantly - pro.fuse.ly av SYN syn LAVISH, PRODIGAL, LUXURIANT, LUSH,