Webster's English Dictionary

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1. soft \'so.ft\ \'so.f(t)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OE so-fte, alter. of se-fte; 
   akin to OHG semftiX soft 1a: pleasing or agreeable to the senses : bringing 
   ease, comfort, or qui et {the ~ influences of home} 1b1: having a bland or 
   mellow rather than a sharp or acid taste or flavor  1b2: containing no 
   alcohol - used of beverages  1c1: not bright or glaring : SUBDUED  1c2: 
   having or producing little contrast or a relatively short range of to nes 
   {~ photographic print ~ lighting} 1d1: quiet in pitch or volume  1d2: 
   MELODIOUS  of the eyes  1e: having a liquid or gentle appearance  1f: 
   smooth or delicate in texture, grain, or fiber  1g1: balmy, mild, or 
   clement in weather or temperature  1g2: moving or falling with slight force 
   or impact : not violent {~  breezes} 2: demanding little work or effort : 
   EASY, IDLE {a ~  job} 3a: sounding as in ace and gem respectively - used of 
   cX and g or their sound of a consonant  3b: VOICED  3c: constituting a 
   vowel before which there is a /y/ sound  or a /y/-like modification of a 
   consonant or constituting a consonant in whose articulation there is a 
   /y/-like modification or which is followed by a /y/ sound (as in Russian) 
   archaic  4: moving in a leisurely manner  5: rising gradually {a ~ slope}  
   6: having curved or rounded outline : not harsh or jagged {~ hil ls against 
   the horizon} 7a: marked by gentleness, kindness, or tenderness  7b: 
   IMPRESSIONABLE, SUGGESTIBLE  7c: unduly susceptible to influence : 
   COMPLIANT  7d: lacking firmness or strength of character : FEEBLE, UNMANLY  
   7e: amorously attracted  8a: lacking robust strength, stamina, or endurance 
   esp. because of living  in ease or luxury 8b: weak or deficient mentally  
   9a: yielding to physical pressure  9b: permitting someone or something to 
   sink in  9c: COMPRESSIBLE, MALLEABLE  9d: lacking relatively or 
   comparatively in hardness {~ iron}  10: deficient in or free from 
   substances (as calcium and magnesium salts)  that prevent lathering of soap 
   {~ water} 11: having relatively low penetrating power {~ X rays} n devoid 
   of harshness, roughness, or intensity. SOFT implies a subduing of all that 
   is vivid, intense, or forceful until it is agreeably soothing; BLAND 
   implies the absence of anything that might disturb, stimulate, or irritate; 
   MILD and GENTLE stress moderation or restraint of force or intensity; 
   LENIENT implies a relaxing or assuasive quality - soft.ly av SYN syn SOFT, 
2. soft n : a soft object, material, or part {the ~ of the thumb} 
3. soft av : in a soft or gentle manner : SOFTLY